Ruth Barrow

January 11, 2024 / 5 mins read

Ruth Barrow, a student from the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine, ranks first in her class and earned a B. S. in cellular biology graduating summa cum laude with highest honors. She worked in research funded by the National Institute of Health and as written numerous research articles and presented winning posters. She has received numerous honors and awards and has worked in a variety medical centers and clinics. As well Ruth is active in many clubs and organizations, raising money to fund seminars, speakers, and conferences for students and has volunteered in a variety of settings.

Ruth would like to specialize in canine ophthalmology and continue research in this area. This is from her essay to the scholarship committee:

"Remaining involved in research throughout my career is of vital importance to me, as it will allow me to be involved in the crucial research that veterinarians and principal investigators at universities are conducting, thus helping to give back to the overall advancement of the medical field. Pursuing an ophthalmology residency will allow me to build upon my past research experience, yet as lead investigator furthering research for a disease that I have a personal interest in. My own childhood dog lost an eye to keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS), commonly referred to as dry eye, as do many other dogs that may fail to respond to medical management. I want to investigate this devastating disease, of which West Highland White Terriers are largely overrepresented compared to other breeds."

The Foundation congratulates Ruth on her exemplary scholarship application, and we look forward to following her career in the years to come.